Endless Hope Private Foundation Inc. is a private, family foundation created by Sam Assaad, Founder & President of MISA Imports, a leading importer of fine wines and spirits. With Endless Hope, Sam hopes to bring a sense of philanthropic obligation to others, creating a renewed awareness of family values to society today.

The mission, vision and focus areas of Endless Hope Private Foundation are a culmination of family values, Sam's dream and the belief that one should treat others the way that one would like to be treated.
We provide support for educational opportunities, as well as for organizations and issues that impact children, women and families.

Endless Hope Private Foundation, Inc., founded in 2016 in Dallas, Texas, is a registered nonprofit organization as described in section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States.
Endless Hope Private Foundation, Inc.
1502 Viceroy Drive
Dallas, Texas 75235
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